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The Value of the 3 C's

The value the 3 C’ (Commitment, Consistency, and Courage) play in accomplishing your goals. 

An inspiring Biblical example we can learn from is about Noah. God selected him to complete a larger-than-life task that took an enormous amount of courage to fulfill. Something that stood out in Genesis 6:22 was; Noah did according to all God commanded him to do. As I ponder this scripture, I wonder if we respond with the same intensity Noah did when God calls us to fulfill his purposes and plans for our lives, or do we hesitate? 

Consider Noah's Response: 

  • Noah was committed to God and to following his specific instructions. He paid close attention to every detail of the plan God had laid out for him. It was imperative for him to follow each step accordingly, otherwise their lives could have been at stake. 

  • If you read Genesis 6 and 7, you will see that Noah was consistent and trustworthy in completing the project according to God’s timeline. There is no mention of Noah telling God he was too tired, too busy, or inadequate to complete the task.

  • He had a holy, reverent fear of God that ignited his courage to work diligently on a project that others probably questioned and may have laughed at.

Be Brave!!!!

What plans or projects has God asked you to complete on his behalf? Are you committed to working on them consistently and courageously? What’s at stake if you fail to complete it according to God's timeline? Let’s dig deeper into what may be holding you back from being fully committed, consistent, and courageous toward completing your God-given dreams and purposes. God calls those brave enough to do the work and I know you have the courage to fulfill the call!!! 

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